Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Artifact of my WebQuest

This is a sample artifact of my WebQuest which required the students to make up a rutine for an audition and record it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Taxonomy of WebQuest

I would say that my WebQuest is a "Creative Product Task" because in the WebQuest the students are to design a two minute dance. They are allowed to choose whatever dance style they like and perform it in front of judges as if it where an audition. This WebQuest allows the students to be creative in how they choose the music and how they perform to it.

"Would Socrates approve of WebQuests?"

I absolutely feel that Socrates would approve of teaching using WebQuests. Like the article said Socrates was a universal teacher. He did not like to teach inside the classroom, and he taught to anyone that was willing to learn. The internet is a great way to retrieve knowledge that was not availiable a few years ago. Anything that you want to know you just type it in and its at your fingertips. Socrates would have a hay day with teaching strategies such as a WebQuest. WebQuest allow you guide a student through learning online. It has the task needed to be done and gives links to sites that would be helpful in completeing the task.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Here is the edited version of the WebQuest. Click this link to view it: http://sites.google.com/site/teyahenthornswebquest/

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Webquest Remodeling

I will be working on a webquest called Dancing Through Life. Click here to view:http://questgarden.com/67/66/9/080626185600/index.htm

This webquest is very vague. There is no illistration and is very boring. It is about auditions for a high school class that involves preparation for future college dance majors. I want to add some addition information and some pictures of dancers or really just anything. I think this is a good webquest to start with. It needs a lot of work. One good thing about the webquest is that the author has added many links for information on how auditions run and web pages on dancing.

Should students be allowed to create multimedia project instead of writing papers in school (at least some of the time)?

Multimedia plays a huge part in society. I think it is wise to have students learn how to use new technology. At the rate we are going, by the time they are adults everything with be done by computer. Working on the computer will give the students a hand up for what they will be doing in there future careers. Using multimedia projects has many positive learning experiences and will allow students to do deeper research and use many tools that they may have not know where available. Although there are many advantages, there are also many disadvantages. NETS-T has many guidelines which allow safe learning with the internet, but there is many web pages that may not have appropriate information. Another problem with using multimedia essays and projects is the accesess students have to computers. Some students may not have a computer at home and will not be able to work outside of the classroom.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When I Become A Teacher

Group Webquest Assignment
Creative Encounter and Poetry of war were our top two choices. Creative Encounters engaged the students in a group activity and gave them a creative way of learning. Every group would have a different way of creating a number system and everyone in the group would have a different job. Poetry of war was our other top pick because it engages the students in a more critical way of thinking. Children had to read poems and create their own. The Students had to also be creative by drawing pictures and describing it as well. The worst ones were The Diary of John Wilkes Booth and The Problem with Landfills. The diary of John Wilkes Booth provided way too much information and would have lost the students interest. Some of the information was irrelevant. The Problem with Landfills was hard for children to get sources. It could have also been more age appropriate. Best means the one that facilitates the most creative and analytical thinking and processes and the worst means those that lack interest and group interaction.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


My resume is located at this link. Please click to review: http://docs.google.com/View?id=d4zc5sc_1fjqr3qgk